- “Anatomical study of the normal volume of the human hippocampus“. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; S. Martins Barata; P. Soares; T. Fonseca. European Journal of Anatomy, 6 (Suppl):29, 2002 (abstract).
- Ibidem. Acta Neurochirurgica, 144 (10):1114, 2002 (abstract).
- Ibidem. Clinical Anatomy, 16 (1):81, 2002 (abstract).
- “Volumetry of the Hippocampus with Dynamic 3-D Reconstruction – Anatomical and MRI Study”. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira, L. Lucas Neto, P. Soares, S. Martins Barata, T. Fonseca. Revista da FML, Série III, vol. 8, nº 2, 2003 (abstract).
- “Anatomy/MRI comparative study of the normal hippocampal volume“. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; P. Gonçalves Pereira; S. Martins Barata; T. Pereira da Fonseca; J. Rino; P. Soares. 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery Abstract Book: 203, 2003 (abstract).
- “Towards defining normal hippocampal volume: an Anatomy/MRI comparative study“. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; S. Martins Barata; T. Pereira da Fonseca; J. Rino, P. Soares, P. Gonçalves Pereira. Epilepsia, vol. 44 (suppl 8):135, 2003 (abstract).
- “Comparative Anatomy/IRM Study of the Volume of the Normal Human Hippocampus”. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; T. Fonseca; H. Gaspar; C. Gonçalves. Revista da FML, Série III, vol. 9, nº 1, 2004 (abstract).
- “Volumetry and Morphology of the Normal Human Hippocampus – Global and Sectorial Study”. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; T. Fonseca; H. Gaspar; C. Gonçalves. Revista da FML, Série III, vol. 10, nº 2, 2005 (abstract).
- “Comparative Anatomy/MRI Study of the Volume of the Human Amygdaline Body”. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; T. Fonseca; C. Gonçalves, M. Nogueira, F. Santos. Revista da FML, Série III, vol. 11, nº 2, 2006 (abstract).
- “Pleomorphic adenoma: clinical case and literature review”. Tiago Fonseca, Francisco Proença, Alexandrina Neves. Journal of the Association of Portuguese Stomatologists, no. 12, 2007.
- “Rapid maxillary expansión chirurgically asistide with local anesthesia“. Furfuro, R; Ram, J; Fonseca, T; Pinto, JC. Book Expooral 2011. Madrid: Ripano, 219-233 (2011).
- “Developmental alterations: dental agenesis”.
- “Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia: a clinical case”. Joaquim Neves and Tiago Fonseca. Journal of the Association of Portuguese Stomatologists, no. 16, 2019.
- “Peripheral ossifying fibroma: clinical case”. Joaquim Neves and Tiago Fonseca. Journal of the Association of Portuguese Stomatologists, no. 16, 2019.
- “Salivary obstructive syndrome due to submandibular lithiasis”. Raquel Santos, Berto Gomes and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 120, November/December 2021.
- “Laser therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction: a case report”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 129, May/June 2023.
- “Imaging as a means of diagnosis and laser therapy as a treatment option for TMJ pain: a clinical case”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 133, January/February 2024.
- “Oral laser therapy in the treatment of burning boa syndrome: a case report”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 134, March/April 2024.
- “Laser therapy in the healing process after oral surgery: a clinical case”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 135, May/June 2024.
- “Laser therapy in the control of periodontal disease: a clinical case”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 136, July/August 2024.