Miscellaneous Actions


  1. Anatomical study of the normal volume of the human hippocampus“. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; S. Martins Barata; P. Soares; T. Fonseca. European Journal of Anatomy, 6 (Suppl):29, 2002 (abstract).
  2. Ibidem. Acta Neurochirurgica, 144 (10):1114, 2002 (abstract).
  3. Ibidem. Clinical Anatomy, 16 (1):81, 2002 (abstract).
  4. “Volumetry of the Hippocampus with Dynamic 3-D Reconstruction – Anatomical and MRI Study”. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira, L. Lucas Neto, P. Soares, S. Martins Barata, T. Fonseca. Revista da FML, Série III, vol. 8, nº 2, 2003 (abstract).
  5. Anatomy/MRI comparative study of the normal hippocampal volume“. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; P. Gonçalves Pereira; S. Martins Barata; T. Pereira da Fonseca; J. Rino; P. Soares. 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery Abstract Book: 203, 2003 (abstract).
  6. Towards defining normal hippocampal volume: an Anatomy/MRI comparative study“. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; S. Martins Barata; T. Pereira da Fonseca; J. Rino, P. Soares, P. Gonçalves Pereira. Epilepsia, vol. 44 (suppl 8):135, 2003 (abstract).
  7. “Comparative Anatomy/IRM Study of the Volume of the Normal Human Hippocampus”. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; T. Fonseca; H. Gaspar; C. Gonçalves. Revista da FML, Série III, vol. 9, nº 1, 2004 (abstract).
  8. “Volumetry and Morphology of the Normal Human Hippocampus – Global and Sectorial Study”. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; T. Fonseca; H. Gaspar; C. Gonçalves. Revista da FML, Série III, vol. 10, nº 2, 2005 (abstract).
  9. “Comparative Anatomy/MRI Study of the Volume of the Human Amygdaline Body”. A.J. Gonçalves Ferreira; L. Lucas Neto; T. Fonseca; C. Gonçalves, M. Nogueira, F. Santos. Revista da FML, Série III, vol. 11, nº 2, 2006 (abstract).
  10. “Pleomorphic adenoma: clinical case and literature review”. Tiago Fonseca, Francisco Proença, Alexandrina Neves. Journal of the Association of Portuguese Stomatologists, no. 12, 2007.
  11. Rapid maxillary expansión chirurgically asistide with local anesthesia“. Furfuro, R; Ram, J; Fonseca, T; Pinto, JC. Book Expooral 2011. Madrid: Ripano, 219-233 (2011).
  12. “Developmental alterations: dental agenesis”.
  13. “Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia: a clinical case”. Joaquim Neves and Tiago Fonseca. Journal of the Association of Portuguese Stomatologists, no. 16, 2019.
  14. “Peripheral ossifying fibroma: clinical case”. Joaquim Neves and Tiago Fonseca. Journal of the Association of Portuguese Stomatologists, no. 16, 2019.
  15. “Salivary obstructive syndrome due to submandibular lithiasis”. Raquel Santos, Berto Gomes and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 120, November/December 2021.
  16. “Laser therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction: a case report”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 129, May/June 2023.
  17. “Imaging as a means of diagnosis and laser therapy as a treatment option for TMJ pain: a clinical case”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 133, January/February 2024.
  18. “Oral laser therapy in the treatment of burning boa syndrome: a case report”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 134, March/April 2024.
  19. “Laser therapy in the healing process after oral surgery: a clinical case”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 135, May/June 2024.
  20. “Laser therapy in the control of periodontal disease: a clinical case”. Tiago Resende and Tiago Fonseca. Maxillaris Magazine, no. 136, July/August 2024.